Habit Breaker Bundle

A quick one today, just to share a technique I’ve found helpful or effective. The packet is essentially a curse, but the idea is that it makes the habit inaccessible to you or difficult to get at. I put this together when I was wrestling with wanting to quit smoking. My desire to stop had been on and off for a while, but I was living with smokers and the constant exposure made it incredibly difficult to stick to my plan. As this continued, I found myself wondering whether I really wanted to quit because I just didn’t seem to be able to manage it.

Enter the bundle. It was made with items readily to hand and with some input from my spirits. You can (should) adapt this to suit your situation and particular allies. This is quite straightforward to make but it has worked for me – quite a bit better than I had expected, honestly.

How to Make the Bundle

I performed this in the hour of Saturn and called on his influence to restrict the habit. To keep it away from me and give me the discipline to overcome cravings.

  1. Take an empty cigarette packet and place in it a single cigarette, snapped with intention.
  2. Add three bent needles (I used black glass-bead headed pins), rose thorns, a sprig of dried rue and a sprig of wormwood.
  3. Add powdered asafoetida, black mustard seeds, cayenne pepper
  4. Close the packet and bind it shut (I did this with red wool, wrapping away from me and turning the packet counter-clockwise)
  5. Seal this with wax from a black candle. Make sure it isn’t going to come undone.
  6. Take the packet to a site for disposal. I placed mine between two train rails, under some rocks by a raven feather. You can take it to a desolate place or a crossroads, but it should have a feel of moving away or banishment to it.

That’s it. Walk away and don’t look back. Hold yourself to the task. You should embellish this with spirit work in whatever way works for you. Call your allies, use your own meanings. Then stick to the plan. You can pair this with uncrossing work if you feel inclined. Take it seriously, this is basically putting the object in a circle of fire through which you have to pass if you want to engage it.

I found this completely surprisingly effective, to the extent that it felt as though I had quite literally left the narrative behind. There were no cravings, no need to push through a quitting process, or mental effort involved in resisting the cigarettes which are still about the house. I also noticed that I had none of the feelings of physical discomfort associated with the recovery process, as though I had traveled to a point further along the timeline or otherwise jumped to a storyline in which I simply have no connection to the habit at all. I’m sharing this with the hope that it might be helpful for others seeking liberation from their own limiting habits.

Happy enchanting.

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