Trusting the Soup – Reflections on Choosing a New Craft

In light of the thoughts I’ve been having around tradition and focus in ones’ Craft practice, I have been ruminating on how to carry myself forward in the year ahead. At first this was in response to my (very imminent) move to the opposite side of the globe – how would this impact my practice?…

The Witch Alone

Recently, Thorn Mooney published an article and a video discussing the place of tradition and community in our Craft journey,  with a view to what this means when those traditions fracture or fail. In the course of this discussion, Thorn asked a very intriguing question to the effect of “who are you when you aren’t…

On Casting the Circle

“This will be your first spell of practical witchcraft” Instructions are given for constructing the circle, in Huson’s system, at the end of the Chapter discussing the working tools. It is, in effect, the first operation he provides which utilises all of the tools you have just spent so much time and effort constructing. The…

Mastering Witchcraft – A Master List

In this post, I have listed out the practical components of Huson’s ‘Mastering Witchcraft’ for the sake of being able to see – at a glance – what has and has not been attempted in this effort. I will update it as the project progresses, and certain things may be added as they are fleshed…

On Elemental Constitutions in Geomantic Figures

Elemental construction is something commonly referenced in Geomantic literature – both in the medieval texts and in the more recent writings on the matter. There appear to be multiple layers of elemental correspondence, however, meaning that each figure has a nuance in its constitution, allowing a greater depth of meaning than a superficial or generic…

On the Value of Reference Tables in Geomancy

In Agrippa’s Fourth Book, in the section titled ” Of Geomancy”, we are treated to a list of meanings for each figure – should they occur in any one of the positions in an astrological chart. It is common practice to lay out the chart figures with corresponding ‘astrological houses’ to give deeper meaning (or…

On Geomancy

So, the tool which is pending generation – and has caused quite a bit of delay – is what Huson refers to as the “Rune Sticks”. In fact, this is a cool tool for generating the figures used in the divination system known as Geomancy, which has quite a lot of history behind it and…

Ruminations, Crafts, and Seasons

It has been a period of activity which has not been communicated in this blog. I guess I’m having some trouble developing the habit of writing these posts – and sometimes it just seems a little unusual to me. However, the weather on the east coast of Australia has decided to give us a very…

On the Acquisition of Things

I have been contemplating the fact that it has taken me so much longer than planned to get through the second chapter of the Huson Book Project and wanted to put down a few thoughts about it. I’ll admit to harbouring some notions of gracefully completing the entire set-up process in one fell swoop like…

“Made to Measure, Wrought to Bind”

My respect for the members of my family whose creativity has manifested in forms related in any way to weaving has been unfathomably increased. My aunt, who constantly spins yarn only to feed it into a loom; my great-great-great-great grandmother who was a Parisian lace maker; my grandmother who sews and weaves; and all of…

On Taking a Witch’s Name

The notion of a ritual name or a “craft name” (insert your preferred variants here) has long been a concept I have wrestled with. The reasons for this have changed over time, but there are two which have remained at the root of my hesitance during the entire history of my awareness of this practice:…

The Cup and Thurible – Consecrations

Quite in keeping with the tradition of magical texts, Huson’s ‘Mastering Witchcraft’ turns quickly to the process of creating what he terms ‘the tools of your trade’. Being fundamental in the process of consecrating the other tools, the first two you are tasked to create are the Cup and Thurible. Huson gives the clear instructions…